2025 Funded PhD and RA Openings

At the Signals and Interactive Systems Lab (University of Trento, Italy) we are looking for highly motivated and talented graduate students to join our research team and work on Conversational Artificial Intelligence.

Conversational Artificial Intelligence includes the following research areas:

- Natural Language Processing
- Conversational Modeling and Systems
- Machine Learning
- Affective Computing

The SIS Lab has been training intelligent machines and evaluating AI-based systems in the last three decades in many industry sectors from fintech to health.

The lab research team is interdisciplinary and attracts researchers from computational linguistics, psychology, applied math, biomedical and  electrical engineering and computer science.

Research projects and demos can be found at the lab website  here .

The candidates should have strong background, past achievement records in the areas of Conversational Research and/or Engineering.

The official language (research and graduate teaching) of the department is English.


Six months funded research fellowships: approximately 1600 Euro/month gross amount .
Three-year funded Phd fellowships: approximately 1600 Euro/month gross amount .
For more information about cost of living in the area
please visit the website .


Openings with start date as early as March 2025.
Positions open until filled.


MANDATORY ( for both positions )
- Master degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning or
similar or related disciplines.
- Excellent  academic records
- Excellent programming skills
- Excellent command of oral and written English
- Good knowledge of most of the following: experimental design methodology and statistics,
natural language processing , machine learning methods
- Excellent team-work skills


Interested applicants should mention the position they are applying and send their CV to:

Email: sisl-jobs@disi.unitn.it
For more info:

The Signals and Interactive Systems Lab
The PhD School
The Department Information Engineering and Computer Science Department @ University of Trento